Use Open-Ended Questions to Dig Deep on Motivation

Question, happy and business people in a meeting discussion with an open conversation.

How many times do we know that open-ended questions are the way to go, yet we ask the yes/no question because it seems to be quicker?

The curiosity of open-ended questions is an ongoing pursuit and by focusing on the who, what, where, when and why, we can better understand motivation and the bigger picture – That leads to better communication and collaboration. Sometimes, though, the ‘why’ questions create a natural defensive response. Think about how you can ask a ‘why’ question without using the word.

Here’s a quick tip on asking the ‘why’ in a way that does not create a defensive response:

The ImprovEdge YouTube channel shares brief videos of improv tips and techniques that apply to the work place – quick moments of inspiration to provide another or different perspective on everyday workplace situations.