What is HyCo™ :

Hybridity Competence™ (HyCo™) is the ability to show up as an adaptable, improvisational, collaborative communicator, who remains resilient and inclusive, no matter the platform or situation. Individuals who build strong relationships, in person or virtually, know how to ask for and use resources, and build trust despite distance, will be successful in the future of work. Teams and individuals will benefit from strengthening their Hybridity Competence™ skills.


Insights for Your Team:

HyCo™ capabilities are measured by ImprovEdge’s proprietary HyCo Index™ assessment which ranks the strengths of a team in five key development areas – the HyCo Five™ – for which ImprovEdge provides programming to support growth in skills in the HyCo Five™ areas of development.


Sample Professional Development:

Effective Team Collaboration: 3-Part Virtual Workshop Series

Experience and apply the HyCo Five™ areas of development which are critical for success in the hybrid workplace. You will leave the series with:

  • A strategic understanding of HyCo™ and a practical definition for how you can develop HyCo™ skills
  • Immediately useable tips and best practices for elevating HyCo™ in your organization
  • Details on areas of development and how each key area supports team success and individual
  • Practical tips for implementing effective hybrid meetings

Contact us for more information and to schedule the HyCo Index™ for your team.

Strengthen Your HyCo™ Skills