How Improvisation Principles Can Help You Thrive When Everything Goes Wrong

Life is unpredictable, and even the best-laid plans can go awry. When things go wrong, the principles of improvisation…

Leadership Strategies for Managing a Distributed Workforce

The shift to remote, hybrid and distributed workforces has created new challenges for leaders. To effectively manage…

Embracing the Unknown: Dropping Assumptions through Improvisation

Our minds are wired to make assumptions.  These assumptions help us navigate the world with a semblance of…

Collage of portraits of an ethnically diverse and mixed age group of focused businessmen and businesswomen

Dropping Assumptions: Applying Improvisation in the Workplace

The ability to think on your feet and adapt to new situations is more valuable than ever. This skill is at the heart of…

professionals at a meeting table with everybody's hands on top of each other

Enhancing Communication in the Workplace: Embracing “And” Over “But”

Ever been boggled down by a boss that keeps “but-ing” you? “That’s a great idea, but…” or “Yes, but…” It can be…

Young colleagues working together in creative atelier.

Data-Driven Storytelling: The Heart of Influential Communication

Data can be used to transform ordinary narratives into compelling arguments that resonate deeply with your audience.…

hand holding a camera lens in the air with trees in the background

Forget Balance; Go for Focus

As April is National Stress Awareness Month, I was invited to contribute to an article featuring advice from…

April Olt with her niece

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone with ImprovEdge

After completing a long week of facilitating in-person workshops, I decided to take a moment and review some of the…

participants at a meeting

Energizing Meetings Through Participation

In meetings, participation is the lifeblood that fuels collaboration, innovation, and progress.  Yet, engaging meeting…

stressed worker

Focus: How to Sharpen Your Attention

Focus is not just about blocking out distractions; it's about directing our attention and energy towards a specific…

African business woman discussing economic results with her coworkers at a meeting.

Harnessing Purpose: Elevating Meeting Outcomes in Five Steps

In our modern workplaces, meetings consume a significant portion of our time and attention. Yet, amid the flurry of…

Happy businesswoman giving a speech to group of people during a seminar in conference hall.

The Science of Practicing Out Loud

Have you ever noticed how speaking something out loud can make it stick in your memory? This isn't just a…

Good deal. Multiracial business team addressing meeting around boardroom table and shaking hands each other.

Power of Perspective: The Essence of Meeting Preparation

In business, meetings often stand as the quintessential means to achieve collaboration, decision-making, and progress.…

3 Steps to “Drop the Mic” Meetings: Perspective, Purpose, Participation [FREE WEBINAR SERIES FROM IMPROVEDGE]

3 Steps to “Drop the Mic” Meetings: Perspective, Purpose, Participation [FREE WEBINAR SERIES FROM IMPROVEDGE] Tired of unproductive meetings? Turn that around with ImprovEdge – it’s time to……

Busy multiracial colleagues working in office

Improv Bridges Generational Styles in the Workplace

Multiple generations in the workplace, whether it be hybrid, virtual or in-person, create excellent opportunities for…

Team of creative business people

Tackling the Hidden Costs of Unproductive Meetings

Meetings are an integral part of the workplace, providing a platform for collaboration, decision-making, and…

A group of business people together.

5 Outcomes to Empathetic Leadership

Empathy keeps showing up as a key topic of conversation for team offsites. The need to be understood, heard and…

Karen on

The Collective Strength: A Focus on Resilience In a world where the only constant is change, resilience is a key trait for…

Improvise in Consultative Selling: 7 Steps to Better Connections With Customers

Improvise in Consultative Selling: 7 Steps to Better Connections With Customers

Using improvisation techniques in consultative sales training is a creative and effective way to enhance communication…

Question, happy and business people in a meeting discussion with an open conversation.

Use Open-Ended Questions to Dig Deep on Motivation

How many times do we know that open-ended questions are the way to go, yet we ask the yes/no question because it seems…

red dress dancing in a ballroom

Team Equity at Work: When You’re Ready to Jump In

Lean in. That is what improvisers do - intellectually, emotionally and physically. Team Equity in the workplace is…

woman in an online meeting

Building Trust in Virtual Interactions: Look at the Camera

In today's digital age where virtual and hybrid meetings are the norm, presenting yourself effectively on camera is a…

stressed worker

End the Anxiety Cycle: How to Reach Out With Clarity

Want to improve your business conversations and end the anxiety cycle? With so many platforms and ways to communicate,…

two professionals walking and talking

Here’s a tip from ImprovEdge: The Walk & Talk

Do you or your colleagues spend long hours in front of a screen or in a confined space? Yes, you do! 😄 This can be a…

5 Ways to Use Improv For the Future of Work

How Improv Helps Leaders Manage the Unexpected

As leaders, we have to be ready for any situation. It can be difficult to know the best way to respond to unexpected…