Make Sure Your Presentation Sticks: Use Bookends! [VIDEO]
A captivating beginning and a motivating ending will make your talk memorable.……
The Key to Effective Speaking? Focus on Your Audience [VIDEO]
It’s time to put away those tired, old speaking tricks, like picturing your…
Are You Getting in Your Own Way? The Subtle Art of Putting Your Audience First
Don’t picture your audience in their underwear. You’ve probably heard this…
Want to Rock Your Speech? Ditch the Mirror [VIDEO]
Practice makes perfect, right? There’s no doubt that when the time comes to…
Drive ROI with a Speaker Who Wows
Are you responsible for the learning and development of your corporation? If…
Stop Practicing for the Mirror - It’s Just a 1-Person Show!
Do you practice your speeches in front of a mirror? Stop. Right now. This is…
How to Give Your Presentations an Upgrade
It’s likely that any training you’ve had on how to give a great presentation is…
Stop Giving Informational Presentations! Break the Rules instead [VIDEO]
Does your job require you to give presentations? Whether it’s a quarterly…
The Best Way to Knock the Socks off Your Audience
It’s the information age. People are clamoring for data and facts. But that’s…
1 Presentation Mistake That Will Cost You [VIDEO]
The age-old advice about giving presentations is costing you at work and in…