The 15-Minute, 6-Step Solution for Delivering the Best Presentations

Some people are born with a natural stage presence. Most aren’t. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn the skills…

How to Conquer Stress: Train Your Brain to Handle Any Change That Comes Your Way

Change is hard. Even good change can cause a certain amount of stress. But it may be difficult for more reasons than…

A Happy Audience Is a Receptive Audience: Give Them a Great Environment

If you’re a frequent speaker or presenter, you know how much your environment matters. You’ve probably had at least one…

Small Connections Can Have Big Results

It often drives you to look for solace from those around you. When things go wrong, you want to commiserate with…

Make Sure Your Presentation Sticks: Use Bookends! [VIDEO]

A captivating beginning and a motivating ending will make your talk memorable. How can you grab your audience’s…

Leading Well: The Power of “Yes!”

Your day is filled with improvisational behaviors, even though you may not recognize it.

Boost Your Career AND Have Fun in an ImprovEdge Open Enrollment Class!

Ever wanted to grow your executive presence, and change  –  for the better  –  how people perceive…

Effective Leaders Question Their Way to Success

Life is full of questions. You’re bombarded with them all day long. Most of them are so inconsequential that you barely…

The Key to Effective Speaking? Focus on Your Audience [VIDEO]

It’s time to put away those tired, old speaking tricks, like picturing your audience in their underwear. It doesn’t…

Why Your Organization Should Be Developing Leaders

Constant employee turnover is never a good thing. You understand how expensive it is to recruit and train new hires.…

It’s Not About You: Pushing Your Ego Aside for the Good of the Team

Letting go of your own ego can be hard. You’re certain that your ideas are the best and it’s difficult to sacrifice…

Are You Getting in Your Own Way? The Subtle Art of Putting Your Audience First

Don’t picture your audience in their underwear. You’ve probably heard this age-old piece of advice aimed at calming…

Want to Rock Your Speech? Ditch the Mirror [VIDEO]

Practice makes perfect, right? There’s no doubt that when the time comes to give your speech or presentation, you want…

Drive ROI with a Speaker Who Wows

Are you responsible for the learning and development of your corporation? If so, you know what a monumental task it…

Stop Practicing for the Mirror – It’s Just a 1-Person Show!

Do you practice your speeches in front of a mirror? Stop. Right now. This is one of those tips that’s lasted through…

How to Give Your Presentations an Upgrade

It’s likely that any training you’ve had on how to give a great presentation is now outdated, and, to be honest,…

Stop Giving Informational Presentations! Break the Rules instead [VIDEO]

Does your job require you to give presentations? Whether it’s a quarterly report, in-person seminar or presentation to…

Innovation: It’s a Group Sport

Genius usually doesn’t happen alone. Maybe sometimes it does. You can probably think of at least one person who has the…

Turn Your “Oops” Moments Into “Eureka!” Discoveries

Did you know that the worst fears you have for your organization are probably true? The things you avoid  –…

The Best Way to Knock the Socks off Your Audience

It’s the information age. People are clamoring for data and facts. But that’s not what your presentation should be…

1 Presentation Mistake That Will Cost You [VIDEO]

The age-old advice about giving presentations is costing you at work and in your career. Are you unsure of whether your…

Improvise to Be a Better Leader

Being a better leader comes down to one thing: Saying yes! If you can create space for “yes” in your day, you’ll grow…

Grow Your Team’s Equity, Get Better Results

The equity amongst your team members is one of the most valuable assets in your business. While the traditional…

Is Your Presentation As Good as You Think It Is?

Remember the rules your parents used to beg you to follow, and hoped that you would, so you’d grow up to be a decent…

The 1 Skill You Need to Be a Great Leader [VIDEO]

Communication, innovation, presentation skills, relationship building  –  these are just some of the skills that make…