5 Ways to Get Stuff Done on a Multigenerational Team
Traditionalists. Baby Boomers. Generation-Xers. Millennials.
As a leader in your organization, you’re living in a unique time.
You’re tasked with fostering collaboration between people of the four different generations that are in the workforce today.
One of your primary responsibilities is to build and sustain a cohesive, collaborative team – a multigenerational team that is successful.
Creating an environment in which your teams thrive is crucial for reaching the goals you’ve set for your organization.
Though it may seem like an uphill climb at times, it IS possible to get your multigenerational team to function well as a unit.
Here’s how.
1. Find common ground
No matter what generation you’re a part of – or what your role in the organization is – you want to be respected and engaged.
As a leader, it’s important that you always keep these principles at the forefront.
Be intentional about avoiding stereotypes while encouraging your team members to focus on ways that they’re alike.
2. Show respect for all generations
Each member of your team has specific talents and abilities that prompted you to hire them.
They also bring their unique perspective.
It’s your job to set the tone.
You have to strike a delicate balance in which you demonstrate respect for both older and younger employees.
As a leader, it’s your job to encourage members of each generation to work together for the good of your organization. #improvtips
3. Keep the lines of communication open
Of course, effective communication is the backbone of collaboration.
Every member of your team should have a voice and needs to feel that their opinions and input are heard and considered.
In your leadership role, it’s up to you to encourage your employees to share insights and ideas.
Foster an environment in which constructive feedback is accepted with open ears and without interruption.
Model how to ask clarifying questions and how to talk through conflict.
4. Embrace personal experiences
When building multigenerational teams, whether it is comprised of a millennial, a traditionalist or somewhere in-between, each person brings his or her own personal experiences into the office.
Show your employees that you value what they bring to the table and their varying points of view.
It’s important that the members of your team get to know each other and build an appropriate level of comfort with each other.
Sharing life experiences transcends age or generation.
5. Make collaboration second nature
Once a month or even once a week collaboration isn’t enough.
Your multigenerational team needs to come together frequently, using a variety of communication methods.
Other than meetings, texts, emails, videoconference and phone calls and approved social media are all channels in which employees can interface.
When you set high expectations for consistent collaboration, you’ll inspire greater unity in your team.
Generational team diversity for the win
Managing a team comprised of multiple different generations can seem like a monumental task.
But, the success of your organization depends on leaders like you making the effort to foster collaboration among your teams.
Work to find the similarities and avoid stereotypes.
Show respect for each person and their individual experiences and always keep communication flowing freely.
Following these tips will ensure that you build success multigenerational teams. Your people will thrive and the perspective and knowledge of each person will be used to solve problems and drive innovation.
How are the different members of your team working together?
Find fresh ways for your team members of different generations to collaborate, For example, via social media or text.
This article is 100% written by a human named Karen Hough. She is the Founder & CEO of ImprovEdge, in the top 4% of women-owned businesses in the US, a 3-time Amazon bestselling author, Yale grad, wife and mom of three.