2019 is the Year of Disruption

I contend, disruption is not a bad word. And, the answer to disruption is improvisation. What if we stopped fearing…

Creative Constraint: Why Tighter Boundaries Propel Greater Results

Editor’s note: This post was originally published on 12/7/16 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehension.…

Managing Tough Conversations: Here’s How to Have “That Talk” You Don’t Want to Have

Editor’s note: This post was originally published on 10/17/17 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehension.

5 Tactics to Get a Win at the Negotiating Table

It may be easier to pinpoint in your work life: prioritizing projects, haggling over salary or nailing down the…

Unconscious Bias in the Workplace: Here’s How You Can Influence Change

It’s a necessary ability to have in the workplace. The ability to differentiate. You’re constantly making decisions in…

Does Your Presentation Formula Need to be Revamped?

Editor’s note: This post was originally published on 8/29/17 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehension.

Can Improv Make Women Better Negotiators?

Editor’s note: This post was originally published on 2/6/17 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehension.…

5 Ways to Get Stuff Done on a Multigenerational Team

Traditionalists. Baby Boomers. Generation-Xers. Millennials.

The Wrong Way to Do Change Management

Here are the most common mistakes that organizations make when they’re attempting to implement change and how you can…

Women and Executive Presence: 7 Strategies for Success

Are you a woman in leadership? Your desire is probably to keep right on truckin’ up that career ladder to bigger and…

Learn to Manage Change with the Right Attitude [Book Review]

Even good changes bring a certain amount of apprehension and stress. When it comes to change management, one of the…

Change Management: The Subtle Art of Moving Out of Your Comfort Zone

It’s good for you and your team to get out of your routine every once in awhile.

7 Skills Improv Teaches You About Managing Change

There are a couple things you can count on in life.

Celebrate Differences: How to Create a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace are imperative.

Negotiate Like an Improviser and Get What You Really Want

It’s what negotiation is all about. Coming to an agreement that’s acceptable to both parties is the goal, though one…

The Key to Speaking With Confidence 

Editor’s note: This post was originally published on 3/16/14 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehension.…

Brainstorm Your Way to Innovation and Success

Brainstorming is one of the best ways to get everyone’s ideas out on the table.

5 Reasons to Thrive and Not Just Survive your Change-Management Strategy

You can wait to deal with change until after it happens. Many organizations unconsciously take this route by not having…

Change Management: The Subtle Art of Moving Out of Your Comfort Zone

It’s good for you and your team to get out of your routine every once in awhile.

How an Improv Mindset Helped a Law Firm and Tech Company Increase Revenue [Case Study]

Sometimes it’s necessary to let go of the way you think everything should be done.

How to Speak With Confidence When You’re Just Not Feelin’ It

Some people seem to be born with a natural confidence.

The Successful Marriage of Creativity and Execution [Case Study]

There is an inherent tension between the rule-followers and the dreamers.

The Most Critical Skill for 2018: Agility

AGILITY: Noun – Nimbleness. or The ability to think and draw conclusions quickly; intellectual acuity.

The Value of Diversity in the Workplace: An Unexpected Gift of Change

Many businesses lack diversity  –  to their detriment.

Practice Makes Perfect: Boosting Creativity and Innovation (Part 2)

Read the first part of this series: Preparation Paves the Way for Creativity and Innovation (Part 1).