African business woman discussing economic results with her coworkers at a meeting.

Harnessing Purpose: Elevating Meeting Outcomes in Five Steps

In our modern workplaces, meetings consume a significant portion of our time and attention. Yet, amid the flurry of…

Good deal. Multiracial business team addressing meeting around boardroom table and shaking hands each other.

Power of Perspective: The Essence of Meeting Preparation

In business, meetings often stand as the quintessential means to achieve collaboration, decision-making, and progress.…

3 Steps to “Drop the Mic” Meetings: Perspective, Purpose, Participation [FREE WEBINAR SERIES FROM IMPROVEDGE]

3 Steps to “Drop the Mic” Meetings: Perspective, Purpose, Participation [FREE WEBINAR SERIES FROM IMPROVEDGE] Tired of unproductive meetings? Turn that around with ImprovEdge – it’s time to……

Busy multiracial colleagues working in office

Improv Bridges Generational Styles in the Workplace

Multiple generations in the workplace, whether it be hybrid, virtual or in-person, create excellent opportunities for…

Team of creative business people

Tackling the Hidden Costs of Unproductive Meetings

Meetings are an integral part of the workplace, providing a platform for collaboration, decision-making, and…

A group of business people together.

5 Outcomes to Empathetic Leadership

Empathy keeps showing up as a key topic of conversation for team offsites. The need to be understood, heard and…

Karen on

The Collective Strength: A Focus on Resilience In a world where the only constant is change, resilience is a key trait for…

Improvise in Consultative Selling: 7 Steps to Better Connections With Customers

Improvise in Consultative Selling: 7 Steps to Better Connections With Customers

Using improvisation techniques in consultative sales training is a creative and effective way to enhance communication…

Question, happy and business people in a meeting discussion with an open conversation.

Use Open-Ended Questions to Dig Deep on Motivation

How many times do we know that open-ended questions are the way to go, yet we ask the yes/no question because it seems…

red dress dancing in a ballroom

Team Equity at Work: When You’re Ready to Jump In

Lean in. That is what improvisers do - intellectually, emotionally and physically. Team Equity in the workplace is…

woman in an online meeting

Building Trust in Virtual Interactions: Look at the Camera

In today's digital age where virtual and hybrid meetings are the norm, presenting yourself effectively on camera is a…

students in an improv class

Why Improv Now: Navigating the Hybrid Workplace

Humans avoid discomfort. We want to work, live and play in areas where we can show our expertise and feel safe. Yet, in…

Lead Like an Improviser: Flexibility, Influence and Change global conference 2023 womentech by Karen Hough Chief Culture and Experience Officer at ImprovEdge

Lead Like an Improviser: Flexibility, Influence and Change

Women Tech 2023 Global Conference Let’s talk Improvisation – I’m passionate about what improv brings to the business…

woman at a coffee shop working on a her laptop

3 High Impact Skills for Facilitating Virtual Team Meetings

Facilitation isn't just for trainers anymore. We all need to think of ourselves as facilitators.  As we move through a…

it's okay to be human


This article was originally published in early 2022, and we still believe it’s still a timely and relevant discussion.…

Look for the Silver Lining

Back in 2020, as we made the shift from in-person to virtual interactions, we were all familiar with phrases like,…

The Future of Work: Act Like an Improviser

This isn’t going away. “Back to the office” will not be what we remembered. The future of work will now forever have…

2020 Reflection: A Study in Extremes

The message of improvisation – arriving onstage (or at work) with no script, few resources and having to figure out a…

The Show Must Go On!

ImprovEdge has always been a virtual company – WFH since 1998. In those years, we’ve learned a lot about productivity…

Hands Off The Mute Button During Conference Calls

Let’s set the scene. You are on a conference call, everyone says a quick hello, the person in charge begins, and ……

Creative Constraint: Why Tighter Boundaries Propel Greater Results

Editor’s note: This post was originally published on 12/7/16 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehension.…

Brainstorm Your Way to Innovation and Success

Brainstorming is one of the best ways to get everyone’s ideas out on the table.

How an Improv Mindset Helped a Law Firm and Tech Company Increase Revenue [Case Study]

Sometimes it’s necessary to let go of the way you think everything should be done.

The Successful Marriage of Creativity and Execution [Case Study]

There is an inherent tension between the rule-followers and the dreamers.

Practice Makes Perfect: Boosting Creativity and Innovation (Part 2)

Read the first part of this series: Preparation Paves the Way for Creativity and Innovation (Part 1).