How Improvisation Principles Can Help You Thrive When Everything Goes Wrong

Life is unpredictable, and even the best-laid plans can go awry. When things go…

Leadership Strategies for Managing a Distributed Workforce

The shift to remote, hybrid and distributed workforces has created new…

Embracing the Unknown: Dropping Assumptions through Improvisation

Our minds are wired to make assumptions.  These assumptions help us navigate…

Collage of portraits of an ethnically diverse and mixed age group of focused businessmen and businesswomen

Dropping Assumptions: Applying Improvisation in the Workplace

The ability to think on your feet and adapt to new situations is more valuable…

professionals at a meeting table with everybody's hands on top of each other

Enhancing Communication in the Workplace: Embracing "And" Over "But"

Ever been boggled down by a boss that keeps “but-ing” you? “That’s a great…

Young colleagues working together in creative atelier.

Data-Driven Storytelling: The Heart of Influential Communication

Data can be used to transform ordinary narratives into compelling arguments…

hand holding a camera lens in the air with trees in the background

Forget Balance; Go for Focus

As April is National Stress Awareness Month, I was invited to contribute to an…

April Olt with her niece

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone with ImprovEdge

After completing a long week of facilitating in-person workshops, I decided to…

participants at a meeting

Energizing Meetings Through Participation

In meetings, participation is the lifeblood that fuels collaboration,…

stressed worker

Focus: How to Sharpen Your Attention

Focus is not just about blocking out distractions; it's about directing our…