
Through a combination of research, improvisation, and neuroscience, ImprovEdge provides customized, real-world business training solutions to transform your performance.


Dynamic in-person, virtual, hybrid and eLearning. From one-hour keynotes to one-year leader development programs, we show up however and wherever it works best for you.

Why ImprovEdge

We are the first company in the world to combine improv tactics, psychological research, and neuroscience training to achieve results you can measure.

ImprovEdge Event

Business Training with an Improv Twist

Greatness cannot be achieved by being passive. It’s time to rethink the way you approach business training by stepping outside your comfort zone and learning how to think on your feet and confidently respond to every situation. Through a combination of improvisation and neuroscience, ImprovEdge can help make that happen—with customized, flexible business training solutions that give you an edge over the competition.

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Insights & Resources

How Improvisation Principles Can Help You Thrive When Everything Goes Wrong

Life is unpredictable, and even the best-laid plans can go awry. When things go wrong, the principles of improvisation…

Leadership Strategies for Managing a Distributed Workforce

The shift to remote, hybrid and distributed workforces has created new challenges for leaders. To effectively manage…

Embracing the Unknown: Dropping Assumptions through Improvisation

Our minds are wired to make assumptions.  These assumptions help us navigate the world with a semblance of…

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